Monday, October 04, 2004

So I'm Wrong...

Some people do read my blog on Sunday. Now I want to know if those who did read it went and watched World on Fire. I want to take a nice little informal survey here... is what Sarah McLachlan did for this video a good idea, or simply worthless?

The reason I ask is due to the comments on the post I got the link from (see comments below). Now, the original post was a bit more political in nature, and it may be that the comments were in reaction to the entire post, and not just the video. If that's the case, then that's simply the case. I won't argue that here because of my vow to avoid presidential politics for awhile.

However, if the reaction and comments were based on the video, then I feel they were an overreaction. McLachlan chose to take most of the money she would normally put into making a music video and invest it in a number of charities. She then made a video that compared the production costs of a normal music video to what the charities could accomplish with the money instead.

I don't think it's a good idea to make every video a donation. There are people who need the money here in the States, and who get it through working on videos and such. But a video like this, every once in awhile, as a reminder of what a little cash can accomplish, is a good thing, in my opinion.