Many thanks to Thought Ballons for his link to the preview of the Hardy Boys comic. It looks like we might have to get it after all:

The always cool Postmodern Barney is doing a bit of linkblogging. Check him out.
I love Scott's Medical review of Strange #2. Oh heck, I generally love reading Scott's blog anyway, but if you read Strange, check out the review.
Marc Singer has a fascinating look at an old Justice League story, including some bits that I find as striking as Marc did: "If there's anything that we in the League should understand... it's that no culture or tradition is any more fitting than any other. We're fighting for truth and justice, my friends... not necessarily our way...!"
Kaja Foglio reports on Girl Genius #13. I'm still really excited about the GURPS book, since it will have a bunch of stuff that isn't very relevant to the story, but is nonetheless fun for the fans.
Voting Machines are still not trustworthy. There's one obvious example of a miscount, how many not-so-obvious examples were missed? Down with electronic voting!
As per hubby-Eric's wishes, I'm not going to mention that we watched the first couple of episodes of "Drawn Together". Heh.
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