Friday, November 12, 2004

Random Thoughts


Marvel sues video game for allowing gamers to create characters similar to their trademarks. Um. Ok.

Some "fans" are up in arms about DC keeping Green Lantern: Rebirth in print. Why? Because new editions have different covers, and apparently the fans think they are obligated to pick up every edition to get the new covers. Again, Um. Ok.

Speaking of obligations, here's my usual Mike Sterling link: Progressive Ruin asks "What is your favorite currently-published comic book series?" There are a few good series mentioned there, but what was that first responder thinking?

Comics Continuum has the scoop on new Teen Titans toys based on the ... hyperkenetic animated series. Yes, there is an Aqualad. No, I'm not sure I want him:

"If you want to lose weight, either eat less, or breathe more." The Modulator points us to two articles about weight loss by a physicist, one from 2003, and a follow-up from today.