Saturday, December 04, 2004

Random Thoughts

According to Ain't It Cool News: Joe Dante signs on to direct the feature adaptation of the DC comic AQUAMAN, describing it in a press release as "probably not redundant". What the heck is that supposed to mean? Probably not redundant? That's the best they could come up with? In any case, I don't want to see a live-action Aquaman movie. It would be awful no matter what they do to the character.

Remote Controlled Aerial Photographs. Some of these are absolutely stunning. I recommend opening the pages up in new windows or tabs and letting them load before going through them. Very neat picture of Oxford on the third page... via MetaFilter.

The Top 1000 Library Books. Via the Beat.

TangognaT directs our attention to anti-anti sites.

Make a Dodecahedron Calendar. Via Boing Boing.

Potter Potter Potter. Some people should not be allowed near Flash. Via FilkerTom.

Here's a new low... an ad for a church has been rejected by CBS because it doesn't endorse prejudice. Lovely.

Colin Fahey attempted to get the lowest possible score on the SAT. But he failed at being a complete failure. Read all about it here. Via Garrett.

Mark Evanier points us to singing reindeer. this year's, last year's, and two years ago.