Sunday, January 02, 2005

Freedom of Speech and Comments

I've been having some trouble with comments lately. This note is only to those people who have had comments deleted from this blog. Everyone else can read it and be amused/annoyed/appalled/whatever.

Bill of Rights: Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (emphasis mine)

Apparently a lot of people simply don't understand the first amendment. See, if you read it, it is restricting CONGRESS from censoring speech. The first amendment applies to the GOVERNMENT. Ok, you got that?

This is a PRIVATE blog. It is not run by the government. Ok, you got that?

The first amendment DOESN'T APPLY to the comments on this blog. See, the person deleting them is ME, not the government. I know that may be a bit difficult for someone of your limited intelligence to understand, but your comments are NOT protected speech.

If I find any comment to be inappropriate or insulting, I'm going to delete it. Don't complain in another comment, because I'll just delete the complaint and ban you. It's called "get a clue, because I don't give third chances". Just try to remember what you wrote and not be insulting or inappropriate next time. Or even, if you can handle it, don't read my blog. I'm not forcing anyone to read it, you know. You have to come here to read my blog, in fact. So, in my view, you are going out of your way to visit my page and insult me.

For the record, I have never banned anyone who used their real name. I've been tempted, but I never banned them. So all you people complaining about me deleting your comments and banning you... perhaps if you had the courage to actually use your own name I might feel a little sympathy. But I don't have any sympathy for cowards who go to other people's websites to attack anonymously.

If you think this is heavy-handed, cruel, evil, or whatever, then you really really need to go get a life. This is JUST A BLOG. It is not the be-all and end-all of your existence. If your comment isn't read by everyone, it will not doom you to eternal heck. If you are absolutely determined to be heard, GET YOUR OWN BLOG.

I am NOT silencing you. I am only removing you from my blog. There are a million other places for you to write, go write there instead. I don't like being insulted anonymously, so I delete it.

So go cry about being "censored" somewhere else. Go whine about the first amendment to someone else as ignorant as you are. But don't try to keep posting garbage at me under new IP addresses and new made-up names. You just make yourself look even stupider than you already are.

And yes, this applies to Mr "Roof" in Hicksville NY. I'm not close-minded, I just don't think you are worth reading. The more you post, the more you convince me that your beliefs are wrong, and that you yourself are an utter moron. I have contacted your ISP about your harassment, and will contact the police if it continues. Consider yourself warned. Go away.