Friday, February 11, 2005

Various Thoughts

Logan does some linkblogging, and don't forget to enter his Loki Contest. What would you do if you were the Norse God of Mischief?

Elayne points out that Spike & Mike's Sick and Twisted Animations are available on-line, in part. Hmm. I know somebody who might be really interested in this, and now he knows.

Wil Wheaton on his current job.

Are you ready for Pi Day this year?

The Dorothy team now has a store. You can get both issues for $8 for a limited time, and you can also check out the cool buttons that I mentioned in my con report (bottom of the page). I hope hubby-Eric gets a t-shirt, too. And they've also put up photos from the con.

North Korean Propaganda posters at Boing Boing.

It's better to get caught shoplifting than to get caught downloading.

Nothing is truly off-topic on a blog, but since my fitness stuff didn't fit in here, I've moved it over to Gjoblaag, the boring blog, where I also keep my political rants and other personal life stuff that's too boring for most readers.