Friday, March 04, 2005

Haloscan Updates

I'm sure some of you have noticed that Haloscan has updated again. You can now set whether or no Gravatars show on your comments and what size they will be. In addition, the default for e-mail is now to NOT show it, like I already tweaked my template to do. You need to have an e-mail for Gravatars, but a lot of people don't want their e-mails out there to be harvested, so the default is to not show it.

Lots more coming for Haloscan, and I'm going to just mention that paying for an upgrade is a good deal. Not only does it help support the system, but it lets you play around with templates and Beta features. And it's only $12 a year.

I've been watching Blogger's lame efforts at improving their commenting system, and I just have to say that Haloscan is still the way to go if you use Blogspot.