Saturday, March 26, 2005

It's Doctor Who Day

Huzzah! In only a few hours, new Doctor Who will premiere on the BBC for the first time in over 15 years (not counting the Paul McGann movie).

Oddly enough, even though I've seen the leaked episode, I'm still really thrilled and waiting to see the reaction to "Rose". And I want to see what changes (if any) were made from the preview copy to the final edit. It won't premiere on my TV until April 5th or so (via the CBC), but I may have to... um... find another way to check it out before then. Of course, I hope to watch it live off the CBC too. This is one show I'll tolerate repeat viewings of. My full review of the show won't be posted until after the official BBC airing, and if I get busy I might even hold off until I see it on the CBC.

And, by the way, in case anyone was still under the impression that the first episode was leaked intentionally, apparently an employee of a third-party Canadian company with access to the preview tape was sacked for leaking it. The headlines predictably said, "Canadian Exterminated".

UPDATE: According to Outpost Gallifrey, the transmission of the new Doctor Who had an annoying bleed-in of sound from another channel, leading to such fun things as people applauding when Rose walks in a scary corridor, and one of the bad guys talking with the voice of Graham Norton when he should have been moving in menacing silence. *sigh*

UPDATE: Ok, I've seen the problem copy. I didn't watch the entire episode through, but enough to get an idea of when the audio glitch was, and to check out the "next week" preview. The audio problem was very distracting and at a bad moment, as that scene is a mood-setting one. The new theme is COOL though, and works well with the new opening sequence. And next week's episode looks good, too. And has the advantage of me not having seen it five times already.