Newsarama does an interview with Phil Foglio in which he discusses the change from the regular comic format to webcomics with collections.
I took a blogger survey, just because I'm sure if enough comics bloggers take it, we can skew the results.

Need to know what that acronym means? Check out Acronyma to find out!
I've linked to this before, but I might as well point it out again: A Photographer's Rights, a downloadable flyer that you can print out and carry with you.
Little Toy Robot says: I am never going to leave my computer again. as he directs us to Google's new video service... and to Robots in particular.
Speaking of Google: They've taken over the Earth.
Warren Ellis directs us to a Doctor Who Theme Remix Site.
Zombie Dogs. Recipe: Replace all blood with very cold saline solution. Put regular blood back in. Electric shock. Dogs wake up and appear to have no brain damage.
Studio Foglio is now selling Girl Genius Candy. Phil comments on his level of popularity.
The Absorbascon visits New Venice as part of his Forgotten Fictionopolises series.
Marvel Solicits for September.
Scarely do I get a review up than someone links to it. They also link to another review. Just so you know I'm not too special.
Aaron Williams on Global Frequency. Seems like everyone has seen the pilot now.
Interesting bit about trolls on message boards from Rampage: "restriction of venue is not restriction of speech" attributed to Kurt Busiek. To an extent I can agree with that. As long as the venue you are being restricted from is private, and not public: ie a privately run message board or website.
Scott on the lack of plot movement in Shanna the She-Devil.
Suspension of Disbelief checks out Justice in Astro City and also links to a free download of Astro City 1/2.
Bugpowder points out a blog called Drawn! and after checking it out, I recommend it as well.
Garrett directs us to an article on Royal Brougham.
Elayne tells us how to write your name in hieroglyphs.

FilkerTom directs us to Statler & Waldorf From The Balcony, reviewing current movies.
My sister is on a cross-country geneology road trip with my parents and niece, and she's blogging it.
Various and Sundry keeps dumping cool links on me... Lost as an extension of Zork, Three planets in conjunction, What a Solar Eclipse looks like from space, Newspaper Corrections blog, lots of Free Fonts, and Time Magazine's 50 Coolest Websites of 2005.
BoingBoing Links: Beast Blender, Dock Ellis' No Hitter, New LEGO Journal, Vertical Farming, Lost Shopping Malls, Moving Company Scammers, and lastly, download the Supreme Court Grokster decision or the Grokster Press Conference via BitTorrent.
William Powell, author of The Anarchist Cookbook, has renounced the book on Via Bookslut. Out of curiousity, I checked to see if the King County Library System has the book. There are four copies. Two are lost, one is missing, and the last copy is apparently able to be checked out, but has a really odd location. No, I didn't put it on hold. I don't really want to read it.
Bookslut also warns us about inquiries to libraries from law enforcement officials. I wonder if my query about The Anarchist Cookbook puts me on a list somewhere?
Take It To Karl: a blog devoted to all our liberal servicemen and women who Rove insulted recently. Rove refuses to apologize for his slanderous remarks.
And, because of Rove's insults, FilkerTom is Mad As Hell, and He's Not Going To Take This Anymore. I absolutely agree with him.
The Slippery Slope To Mass Murder. If you didn't read it the other two times I linked to it, read it now.
Identify the speaker of this quote: "The administration should clarify its intent in [the war]. People lack confidence in the credibility of our government... It's a difficult thing today to be informed about our government even without all the secrecy. With the secrecy, it's impossible. The American people will do what's right when they have the information they need."
Answer: (select to read)Rep. Donald Rumsfeld (R-IL), quoted in the Chicago Tribune on April 13, 1966.(end). Via Political Wire.
Identify the speaker of these quotes: "Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is." "I think it's also important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn."
Answer: (select to read)Bush criticizing President Clinton, 1999(end). Via Political Wire.
A couple of thoughts from Tom Tomorrow: Gulags and Just Like Houston (because DeLay said that Houston is just as bad as Baghdad).
A former Republican speaks out. I don't believe the current leadership of the Republican party are actually Republicans. I don't know what to call them, but they hold almost no true Republican views or values. I've taken to calling them Rethuglicans to distinguish them from real Republicans, but maybe someone has a less provocative name?
Mark Evanier on Flag Burning.
Tom Peyer directs us to Iraq War Posters. Some are good. Some... aren't.
As amusing as I find Operation Yellow Elephant, I don't think parents who support the war should be 'sending their kids' to enlist. No, I think that IF THEY TRULY SUPPORT THE WAR they should be encouraging their children to enlist, but no parent has the right to 'send' a child to war. In fact, I think it's the parents who should be enlisting. If they really support the war. We have a severe troop shortage, and if someone really believes that this war is Just, and not an evil exercise in greed by the Rethuglican leadership, then that person should sign up for the military immediately. The fact that the College Republicans wouldn't even let an ad suggesting they sign up for duty be put in their program shows me that they are a bunch of hypocrites. They claim to support the war, but only as long as someone else is doing the dirty work and risking death. Cowards.
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