Transcript: "Hello, this is a test audioblog. I'm going to be starting the 3-Day tomorrow and continuing Saturday and Sunday, so I want to make sure the audioblog will actually get up on to Bloggity here. Um, busy packing. Kinda sobering to pack all this stuff and try to get it in the order that will make it easiest to grab it when each day comes. And very sobering to think I'm gonna be walking 60 miles in the next three days. Very sobering. Anyway, um, sunny outside, it looks like the weather's gonna be up in the 70s for the entire walk, maybe up to 80 tomorrow, but hopefully it'll stay cool. In fact, hopefully it'll drop down to the high 60s, or low 60s, even. But, uh, we can't always get what we want. Um, I think I'm ready. I - I uh, I've been excerising, I'm hyper, I- I... yeah, well, we'll see. Um, gonna try to do some comic book reviews before I go. I'm three, four weeks behind now, so it would be nice to get those done. I'm not pressuring myself though, otherwise I stop enjoying my comic books. Um, not much else to say, but I will be posting-blogging-audioblogging tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday, so, watch this space. Thank you."

I am, quite frankly, terrified of starting the walk tomorrow. I feel a low, rolling sense of panic rising in the pit of my stomach that is only fought by the basics of packing and preparing. Can I do this? Will I make it? I'm resting today, but I'm beginning to wonder if I didn't make a little miscalculation, giving myself time to think about it. Only tomorrow will tell.
Seattle 3-Day Cheering Stations.
I usually read my horoscope in the newspaper and laugh at how generic they are. Today's, however, surprised and amused me. Yes, it's generic, but it still applies: "What you consider to be insurmountable obstacles ahead might not be as unconquerable as they seem." Heh.
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