Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Final Random Thoughts of the Month

I meant to do some comic reviews for tonight, but the pile of comics was a little too daunting to dive into (17 comic books, yow!) so I just watched lousy coverage of NOLA and played Sudoku instead (to be fair, I also worked a bit on a database project that I'm getting paid for, so it wasn't entirely wasted time). I should have updated the wiki as well, but didn't. *sigh*

MangaBlog links to the wiki, and since David just added full publisher sections for TokyoPop and Viz, I hope that means we'll get some better information on some Manga that folks might be interested in picking up.

Fred Hembeck rips Aquaman apart (so what else is new).

Speaking of, Theosphere wishes Aquaman were around to help New Orleans. I cannot deny I had the same fantasy thought myself.

If you liked Everett True, here's a Mickey Mouse story at the same site. Via Mah Two Cents.

Dark, But Shining has the fascinating story of vampires in early New England, and the speculation that Ralph Waldo Emerson might have believed his wife was a vampire.

Purely Political Link.

Slashdot has picked up the story of the blogger sued because of something someone else wrote in his comments.

Hurricane Thoughts:

This is an absolute must-read article about the economics of NOLA. I've seen it linked from a lot of blogs, but I saw it first at FilkerTom's LJ.

FilkerTom also lets us know that CD Baby has a page of artists donating proceeds from their album sales to the Red Cross.

Some folks don't trust the Red Cross for various reasons. I've seen on many blogs, including Mark Evanier's and Huffingtonpost, that OPERATION USA is a good organization that gives the best help for the dollar. Consider giving to them.

Wil Wheaton is hosting (sort of) a charity poker event to raise money for Katrina relief efforts.

The Whiskey Bar has a good article on the disaster. It gets political, though, so conservatives might want to skip it.

Techies want to help and come up with some ideas.

The Postal Service is halting deliveries to devastated zip codes. Why deliver to a house that no longer exists?

Boing Boing (again) links to a livejournal from the center of NOLA. Reading from the day before the hurricane hits, you see the writer go from grimly optimistic, to practically gleeful (before the flooding starts), back to grimly optimistic again. The biggest problems for the writer and the people he is with are water pressure and crooked cops. Note: I updated the URL. Since last night, a new URL and intro was put up.