Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I've Been Tagged.

Shane Bailey tagged me.

1. Ten years ago:

A year out of college and married for that time. I had just had my new computer job for a few months and was still trying to figure it out. It hadn't gotten to the soul destroying stage yet because I was only doing documentation at the time.

2. Five years ago:

My soul was slowly eroding from the job, and I was beginning to hate it and most of the people I worked with, and pretty much all the customers I dealt with on a daily basis. Going to work was daily torture and I was suffering from severe depression. I was a year away from losing the job, but I was already to the point where I should have quit. If I had quit then, perhaps I would have found a better job... or perhaps not. But I was very near to not wanting to even look at a computer ever again, five years ago.

3. One year ago:

I started my second blog Gjoblaag to give me a place to write more boring stuff. I was watching the Olympics on the CBC with hubby-Eric, which I love to do because it's great to see him enjoy it so much. Tent City 4 was in Bothell, and I was recording our experiences with them being just up the street on this blog.

4. Yesterday:

Woke up early and did some yard work when the Mormon missionaries arrived to help clear ivy and blackberry from my yard. Overdid it with the work and got really really really sick and felt absolutely miserable for the rest of the day. Spent most of the day browsing the 'net while feeling horrible.

5. Today:

Still felt miserable. Since I've been feeling mildly sick for over a week, I called the doctor's office and set up an appointment. I also called in sick to work. Spent most of the day browsing the 'net or sleeping.

6. Tomorrow:

Get up, go to doctor, find out what's wrong with me... if it's something wrong and not... um, I'm not goin' there. Anyway. What I do the rest of the day really depends on what the doctor says. I can say that if I don't feel better I'm not inclined to go to work because it's really hard to do retail when you are about to throw up.

7. Five snacks I enjoy:

Hrm. I try not to snack. Doesn't mean I don't, I just try not to. I could eat black olives until I make myself sick, but I don't usually get them. I also like cherry tomatoes. On the not-so-good side, I like root beer floats and chocolate chip cookies. I guess my final one would be plums. I love plums. I rarely get plums, but I love them.

8. Five bands I know the lyrics of most of their songs:

I don't think I know five bands, much less the lyrics to most of their songs. I tend to enjoy music by the song rather than follow bands. The only groups I tend to "follow" are filk groups. Um, maybe Heather Alexander, Echo's Children, Three Weird Sisters, The Wild Oats, and Tom Smith.

9. Five things I would do with $100,000,000:

Five things, huh? Let's see...

  • Pay off all my debts, legal and moral.
  • Give a lot of money to the Tacoma PBS station so they could have a top notch studio.
  • Buy/build a house that would fit both hubby-Eric and my obsessions (and children and guests).
  • Set up a trust fund so school libraries can buy Oz books and comic books.
  • Go on a major vacation with hubby-Eric that would include trips to sci-fi cons, Oz cons, comic cons, and anywhere in the world we would like to visit.

    10. Five locations I'd like to run away to:

  • Legoland (all of them)
  • San Diego
    I really don't know. I don't tend to run away. I tend to hide, instead.

    11. Five Bad Habits:

  • Eating when depressed.
  • Giving everyone around me the silent treatment when depressed.
  • Taking everything personally.
  • Being over-competitive about things that don't matter.
  • Expecting hubby-Eric to be able to read my mind.

    12. Five things I like doing:

  • Reading.
  • Riding a bike.
  • Swimming.
  • Fixing problems, troubleshooting.
  • Starting new projects... only trouble is I tend to never finish 'em.

    13. Five TV shows I like:

    I don't watch a lot of TV. Doctor Who. Smallville. Um. This is getting hard. The Daily Show. Um. Iron Chef. What else... um... can't think of any more.

    14. Famous People I'd like to meet, living or dead.

  • Paul Norris, creator of Aquaman. I've corresponded with him, but I've never met him.
  • Jon Stewart. Just because.
    I can't think of anybody else. You see, I tend to meet the people I think of as heroes. I suppose I could come up with dead people, but that's just too ... depressing. But between the conventions I've attended and some of my other activities, I've met a lot of celebrities and meeting them just doesn't appeal to me in general anymore. I found that the folks I wanted to meet the most usually turned out to be the people I liked the least.

    15. Biggest joys at the moment:

    Hubby-Eric. Hubby-Eric. And, if you push me on it, I'd have to say hubby-Eric.

    16. Favorite toys:

    Hubby-Eric. Oh wait... TMI. Um... Heroclix, LEGO trains.

    17. Five people to tag:

    Ah... now we get to the heart of it. When I was a little girl in school, a classmate passed me a chain letter one day. I didn't want anything to do with it, so I dropped it in a garbage can. Sometime after that, a different classmate accused me of anonymously giving her a chain letter... I didn't. The handwriting looked nothing like mine at all, but the teacher we called in to mediate claimed it looked like my writing. I was horrified and angry. I'd been dismissive of chain letters before, but after that incident I actively hated them. I swore up and down that I would never pass along a chain letter. Ever.

    I don't mind being tagged, but I will never tag anyone else. That's entirely too much like passing on a chain letter for my comfort levels. So it just won't happen.