Monday, August 29, 2005

More Random Thoughts

Rav'Ns Realm mentions the new Comics Series Wiki, the first mention outside wikicities or my blog I've seen.

In other wiki news, it's growing day by day. Davidscarter has added TONS of information. Here's the current list of comics with some information up. I also added some links to Publishers on the main page, if you see any that I missed, feel free to add 'em. And please feel free to promote the wiki elsewhere, on blogs or whatever. It's going to stick around, but only if more folks contribute will it ever get truly useful.

Bookslut is looking for a new Comic Book Slut.

Shane is linkblogging again.

The Illusive Arts folks are looking for Dorothy Fan Art.

Tom Smith doing Girl Genius: The Musical. With the blessings of Phil and Kaja Foglio.

Wow, a family got misidentified by Fox Propaganda Channel as "terrists". More here. I think Faux should pay damages to the family, as well as public apologies every half hour until the harassment has completely stopped. Oh, and they should also reimburse the local police who had to defend the family against the semi-literate Faux viewers... Still, the sheer stupidity involved is slightly amusing. It reminds me of the "misspelling anarchist" up at Western when I was a student there, who chalked up slogans filled with errors all over the main square one night. Apparently, "Satin Lives".

Zombie Mob in Vancouver.

Poppy Z Brite evacuated from New Orleans, but apparently Robert Aspirin couldn't get out (if anyone has an update, please let me know in the comments, thanks).

Cats In Sinks. I think this one is for Elayne. I thought of her cats when I saw it.

I don't know how long this has been around, but GMail Drive shell extension allows Windows users to add a drive to their windows explorer window that sends files to your Gmail account as if it were just another drive on your machine. Cool for backup.

Wow... 43,920 entries for the Blue Peter Contest to Design A Doctor Who Monster. Holy flaming cows. Here are the winners.

Library Stuff directs us to Conan The Librarian.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster has made the NY Times (registration may be required to view the article). Money quote: "Parody is a lot of fun. And parody begets more parody, especially on the Internet. It's contagious. But has anyone ever converted to a parody religion?"

Sep 15-19 is "Holy Pasta Week"
Plan your menus now.