Saturday, August 27, 2005

Wikimania III: Mutant Squid

Ok, I think it's safe to say, after all the effort I put into this thing in the few days it's been up, that I'm not planning on deleting this wiki even if nobody but me plays with it. I'm having a blast with it.

I really would like some help, though.

After reading through the heavy-duty work that "Silentnietzsche" put into the Usagi Yojimbo entry (thank you, Silentnietzsche), I think the absolute most important thing for each entry is the character information. So, if there's a book you read regularly and think you know enough to fill in some blanks, please jump in and play.

While I'd love it if everyone followed my basic outline for the wiki (see Aquaman, Usagi Yojimbo, and True Story, Swear To God for examples), I'm not going to hold anyone to it. I'm far more interested in getting information into the things than in making them all look uniform and perfect.

That said, I've set up some really basic skeleton wikis for a number of books. All the books linked from the main page have at least a starter wiki already.

If you don't see the book you want to edit:

  • Go the the publisher page for that book, and check to see if there's a link from there.
    • If there is, and the link is red, it means the page doesn't exist yet (when you click on the link, you'll just get an edit page).
    • If there isn't, you need to add the link in the same format as the others, then you can click on the red link to edit the page.
There's a great tutorial on editing wikis, and it tells you everything from adding a new page to putting up images.

I just want to someday be able to pick up the latest Wonder Woman or Superman and not have to ask "who the heck is that?" and never get an answer. In the meantime, I'll keep adding bits and pieces here and there for all the books I personally get, and the shipping information for books I don't get, and maybe eventually this thing will be useful instead of just fun.

Update: It's already getting useful, as "Davidscarter" has added wikis for Ninja High School, Gold Digger, and Banana Sunday, three series I'd heard of but knew nothing about. David also updated a few other entries and added a ton of starter links for other series.