Sunday, September 18, 2005

Arr! Avast ye Pastafarians! Arrr!!!!

Today is the fourth and penultimate day of Holy Pasta Week!

Sep 15-19 is "Holy Pasta Week"

Tomorrow is Talk Like A Pirate Day. And check out this great Evolution FAQ while you are munching on pasta today. Arr. Ramen.

The latest chapter of The Spriggan Mirror has been posted. It's up to 23 chapters out of 28 chapters for the first draft. You can still contribute if you want to support this new mode of publishing.

Google Earth helps a guy discover a Roman ruin in his own backyard. Cool! I wish I had a backyard big enough to hide an ancient ruin in!

Annotated WWII aerial photos, compared with aerial photos from today.

This sounds too good to be true. And, if the folks on MetaFilter are right, it is too good to be true. See also Slashdot and the discussion there.

Profiles of RIAA victims who fought back.

There's a Hunger Strike at Gitmo. It's been going on for weeks. Have you heard about it? Perhaps if the government would actually charge the prisoners with a real crime and allow them to have a trial, instead of just holding them with no hope, the prisoners wouldn't try desperate methods to get the attention of the public.

Collective Sigh on why the blame game is necessary. See also Mark Evanier's recommended reading today.

I voted in the primary today. Mail-in ballot. As has been my practice since the stupid political parties ruined the open primary, I didn't vote in the partisan races. I still think the parties should reimburse the state for the extra money it takes to print out their races on the ballot. Government should be for and by the people, not the parties, and if parties only want party members voting in their primaries they should hold and pay for their own little private elections and not put the burden on the average voter.