Monday, October 24, 2005

Random Thoughts

Happy Blogiversary to Johnny B, my BlogBrother.

Mike Sterling on Smallville, Aquaman... and other stuff.

One-Fifth of Human Genes have been patented, which suddenly makes the current Aquaman tale a little less silly.

Ratings for the Aquaman episode of Smallville were good, which doesn't really surprise me. The 'net reaction seems to have been mixed, with a lot of people mentioning the poor acting and cheesy dialogue, while still enjoying the show.

Kaja Foglio tells us the origins of Prince Aaronev, and who he doesn't really resemble.

The Dorothy folks have some events planned.

Garrett directs us to a hilarious parody of a popular filksong. Knowledge of Alice's adventures involving Wonderland is a big plus.


All You Base are belong to us.

It's a myth! No it isn't! Oh yes it is! The only conclusion I can draw from the repeated attempts to duplicate Archimedes' death ray is that it's possible but really impractical.

A happy ending, thanks in part to the media.

I turned off the Seahawks game in the fourth quarter after getting frustrated by the terrible level of play. If I want to see High School level football, I'll go to a High School game. Amusingly enough, it got worse and ended in a ridiculous field goal. While part of me regrets turning it off, much of me is just glad the Seahawks eventually won.

State elections are coming up, and there are a bunch of initiatives on the ballot getting a LOT of media exposure in the form of incessant ads and counter-ads. The two biggest and loudest are 330 and 336, both of which want to "reform" the health care industry, and both of which are poorly written and designed to enhance one group of professionals over another. I'm likely to vote no on both of them. Two others, 900 and 901 aren't getting much attention. 900 aims to make the state conduct more audits and 901 bans smoking in a lot more places. I haven't decided on either of these. The big one is 912, which would repeal the gas tax, and in my opinion only a complete moron would vote yes on it. Considering how much profit oil companies are making, begrudging a few pennies per gallon going to the state to fix roads is pathetic. If you want to lower oil prices, don't vote an oil man into office as President. Unfortunately, there are a lot of complete morons in Washington state, so 912 might pass.