Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rapid Reviews - 5 October 2005 - Part I

Reviews are going to be slow in coming over the next week or so because I'm in a foul mood and have discovered I have nearly no interest in actually writing reviews at all. I'll do what I can, but since I'm not getting paid for this I'm not going to force myself to write. It's a hobby, it's supposed to be fun.

JSA #78: "Lost & Found" Part one of three: There is so much happening in this one that I can barely follow it. I don't think Keith Champagne believes in decompression in storytelling. However, what I can follow is way cool. War in the fifth dimension, crossover battles at the Rock of Eternity, Fate missing in action, and ... well, I gotta leave some surprises. It's confusing, yes. It could use a lot of help from the Wiki (particularly the whole Nabu thing, which I've never worked out). But it was still awesome. 3 starfish

Superman/Shazam: First Thunder #2: "Odd Couples": Still feels like an intro issue, although in this case we are meeting the villains of the piece. The story seems a little thin, but it isn't too bad. About your superhero average. Wiki. 2 1/2 starfish

Detective Comics #812: "City of Crime Part 10: Pearls and Fine China": For a minute there it got interesting, but then it turned out to be a dream. Or something like that. I'm not entirely sure. And I still can't figure out what Robin is up to. Very odd issue of a very strange story. Wiki. 2 starfish

Wonder Woman #221: "Pride of the Amazons": I'd say this one is a bit crucial to understanding what's happening in the whole Identity Crisis thing. Or at least following Wonder Woman's role in it. Not a bad story if it were simply by itself and contained to this book. But there are references within that need a passing knowledge of the tie-in book to really understand, and that's annoying. Wiki. 2 starfish