Friday, November 25, 2005

Post-Thanksgiving Linkdump

So Eric and I spent many hours today in the library looking through TV listings to find showings of "The Wizard of Oz" for his FAQ. While carrying tons of microfilm to the viewer I also got an eyeful of another patron's misuse of library computers, which I reported as we left. *sigh*

Newsarama reports that there will be Aquaman news on Monday. Sounds like it might be news related to the "One Year Later..." changes.

UPDATE: Yup: "Aquaman becomes Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis with issue #40. But I think that might raise more questions than answers." What, Dan, ya think? Apparently, that was the big news that we would have heard on Monday.

Over on Ain't It Cool News, an artist named Freddie Williams II does an interview, and says "I'm illustrating a fill-in issue of AQUAMAN (issue 39)". Previews says Kirk and Clarke are doing Aquaman #39, so this is news, if it's true.

Golden Age of Comics webcast featuring Aquaman.

From the mouths of children: "AQUAMAN IS COOL!!!"

Sea of Red, that vampires meet pirates comic book, is mentioned on Boing Boing.

Johnny B predicted the Thanksgiving NFL games. He got 'em both right.

Elayne Riggs linked to the Oz-Blog, and to Eric's great TARDIS post. Yeah, the one with this picture:

Witch Under TARDIS

Schools in LiveJournal now include Transylvania Polygnostic University.

More from Aaron Williams. Be sure to check out the "cats giving each other high-fives" link.

Lifehacker's Guide to weblog comments.

Santa is a Wildman, an oldie but goodie.

Music Videos made from recut Sherlock Holmes episodes.

Hubby-Eric made MetaFilter... ok, as part of a thread, not as the focus, but he's definitely there. Ok, his FAQ is mentioned.

MetaFilter also links to the Best-ever Freeware Utilities. I need to explore this list a bit more.

An article about Peter David in the Seattle Times?!?? Oh, it's not that Peter David.

Another one I want to examine closer is this article on Slashdot about a microwave water heater.

KansasU is rebelling against the stupidity: Intelligent Design will be taught as mythology. Via Querldox.

Sony rootkit hurts artists. It also made the Onion. And the scum company that made the malware took down their website.