Friday, March 03, 2006

Still More Random Thoughts

There's another roundup of Aquaman reviews over on my Aquaman site. Besides the reviews, I'm reading message board posts and such. The overwheming majority are favorable to slightly favorable. There's been fewer than a handful that don't like it or see potential in it so far. I'm befuddled by the ones who claim the book was confusing, though. Apparently they are attempting to read more into it? I don't know. The plot seemed pretty straightforward to me.

It's not nice, but somebody took people's MySpace profiles and compared them to DC characters. I'm particularly amused to see King Shark in there. Via The Beat.

Brill Building links us to NEW/OLD footage of four of the Monty Python members at a PBS Fund Drive. There's an iPod ready downloadable format version at The Sound of Young America, but I wish they'd just make a regular version for the rest of us.

Yay! Another Comic Book Urban Legends!

Silver Age Comics looks at a letter to the editor, and what happened to the very next issue. Ouch.

The M's got crushed in a Spring Training game. ouch.

So, we're running out of fossil fuels... but wait! Japanese scientists may have found a new source! May I just say that this is a bit gross?

I really like this idea for a MMORPG. Can you imagine a game where all the players are working on helping out in an epidemic? Or disaster? One that maybe slyly teaches first aid and emergency preparedness? If someone could make a game like that fun, it would be the first one I'd want to play since I got out of college.

Oh hey, Look at these power outlets.

This story defies commenting by me. I didn't know there was a punk band called "This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb". And what follows... I got nothing.

You can no longer trust your Caller ID.