Monday, March 06, 2006

Thoughts for the Day

Kaja Foglio gets a nasty e-mail, then she has to calm the fans down.

Comics Should Be Good does a great rundown of licensed comics.

Colleen Doran is excited to see Aquaman on TV. Yay!

Michelangelo's David
Boing Boing's being blocked for nudity has made the NY Times.

Dogs in elk. Words fail to describe this wonderful exchange. via.

Remember those idiot kids that drove the speed limit in a blocking line? Well, a spokesman for their state department of transportation said "they didn't do a thing wrong." But Alex at the Museum of Hoaxes still doubts that.

The $39 Experiment. A guy writes to various companies asking for free stuff and charts the results. Interesting because of the doofusy quality of the letters he wrote, and the very nice charted results. Via MeFi

The Stray Shopping Cart Project. How to identify stray carts.

There's a new visible comet out there, for you early risers.