Thursday, June 01, 2006

Spelling Bee Trauma

So hubby-Eric and I are watching the National Spelling Bee finals. I only remember trying out for the Spelling Bee twice (and I can't remember the grades) though I suspect I took the tests for it more than that. I never got very far.

The first time I got up in front of the entire grade and misspelled "everywhere". I forgot the "y". It wasn't because I didn't know how to spell it, it was because I was nervous about being up in front of the class and I rushed.

The second time was just the class championship I got up and was given a familiar word. Without pause, after getting the word, I confidently spelled "C-L-O-S-E!" The teacher said no, which surprised me, and then spelled "C-L-O-T-H-E-S". Oops. Advantage was taken of my mistake to remind the rest of the class that they should ask for a definition or the word in a sentence.

Hubby-Eric actually made it to school champion. The word that killed him at the district championship was "except". He spelled "expect" instead.