Friday, August 11, 2006

Yet Another Linkdump

Don't visit Naples.

I'm finding myself more and more interested in Brian Wood's Northlanders.

Tour the Seattle Underground on Flickr. I still haven't done the tour, and I've lived in Seattle all my life.

I don't "do" vblogs and podcasts... I like to read, and I understand better when I see words rather than hear them. So I wasn't going to link to Tim Leong's VBlog. But... oh, just go look. It's about 7 and a half minutes.

Newsarama Blog picked up on the worst job in the DCU link I posted.

Want to read 52? Haven't had the cash? Newsarama reports that DC has teamed up with UGO to offer the first five issues online for free.

Can I just say again, "what an idiot!"

The MeFites discover The Stephen Colbert "On Notice" Generator. Much mirth ensues. Of course, they also linked to a video of a cat flushing a toilet. For three minutes.

Drum's Law: "If you're forced to rely on random blog commenters to make a point about the prevalence of some form or another of disagreeable behavior, you've pretty much made exactly the opposite point."