My recent weight loss has been due, in part, to a complete change in eating habits. While most of the changes have been in the form of eating less (smaller portions, in particular), I've also started eating more fruits and veggies. I found that in my old age (heh) I prefer blueberries and cream to candy bars any day. Another food I'm enjoying with sandwiches and such is avocado.
When I got my first avocado earlier in the summer, someone mentioned to me that you can grow avocado trees from the seeds. I laughed and said nothing at all would grow if I tried. But it got me thinking. Why don't I do the little avocado experiment? It's dead simple, and the worst that can happen is I'll waste a bit of time and nothing will grow.
So every time I've gotten an avocado this summer I've been checking the seed and I put a few of them into water to try and sprout something. I've got three going right now, none have sprouted so far. I doubt they ever will. But I figured that you might want to see my silliness, so here's my current science project.

If they start sprouting, I'll take more pictures.
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