Saturday, December 23, 2006

Blogger Beta out of Beta

Hmmm. I don't know if I want to switch. I don't know what will happen to my Aquaman page if I switch. Do I lose the ability to publish via FTP in the new Blogger? Is there any point to switching? I happen to like the "old" Blogger. Yeah, it has problems, but any system does. Why switch to a new set of unfamiliar problems?

I'm going to have to ponder this one.

Update: Blogger help is absolutely useless on this. I can't find any page that definitively states whether or not New Blogger will support FTP publishing. There's an implication that it will, but no outright statement. And considering that a few months ago they said it wouldn't work, I'm less than pleased to have no answer.

I'm also seeing that some folks upgrading are having the upgrade take, literally, days. I don't know. I like posting once a day. If I didn't have access to my blog for over a full day I'd get annoyed. I mean, heck, I managed to post during the power outage, didn't I?

I've also seen a couple of comments/statements that Blogger is going to try to get everyone over to the New Blogger within a few weeks. Good luck to them. I find myself less than pleased with the whole nuisance. But then, what should I expect from a free service?

Update: I've found three independent references to new Blogger working with FTP published blogs (I just won't get all the functionality, which is fine, I don't want all the functions). I suppose three unofficial sources is good enough to make up for the lack of an official pronouncement. Now I just need to talk to my main co-blogger and make sure he updates. I'll do the update overnight so it has time to work, and I'll post a Ripples post before starting the update so I've got some fun content. I don't know how long they'll take to upgrade seven blogs, so I don't know how long I'll be away from blogging... Maybe I'll start the upgrade tomorrow morning before I take off for all my Christmas adventures. Maybe I'll wait until they force me to upgrade. Decisions, decisions...

And, special note to Elayne: I've taken myself off admin on your blog so my upgrade won't affect your blog at all. Feel free to boot me from the blog membership entirely if you'd like. I don't think you need my help anymore. Unless New Blogger is worse than advertised.

Afterthought: Has anyone who uses Haloscan's commenting upgraded to New Blogger yet? How's that work? No problems?