Monday, December 04, 2006

The Problem With Words

I was mildly stunned to see Elayne defending the use of the word "minx" as the name of the new DC comic book line aimed at girls. Then Elayne explained in this comment why she wasn't offended.... and now I'm even more surprised.

For as long as I can remember, the term "minx" was a nicer way of saying "slut". It's a term for a loose woman, or a girl who sleeps around a lot. Once I sat down and thought about it, I figure the difference between "minx" and "slut" is that you actually like the person you call a "minx", although there is disapproval of how she acts in the term itself.

However, according to Elayne, the term "minx" means "female scamp." I've never known that connotation, unless the scampiness being referred to was in bed. The word has always had sexual overtones, and is always negative.

Now, it can't be a generational thing, as I believe Elayne is slightly older than I am, and the focus group that DC claims to have talked to is presumably younger. So is it a regional thing? What does the term mean to you? When you heard that DC was going to name a comic book line "Minx", what was the first thing you thought of? Am I nuts? Am I the only one who thought that DC was publishing a line of books about women sleeping around a lot when they heard the name? Yeah, the term is nicer than "slut", but only just. Or is it just me?