We passed the Sofawolf Press booth and I spotted something I'd been wanting for awhile. The first three volumes of Digger by Ursula Vernon. I made a little noise and rushed to the table, which amused Lisa greatly. Unfortunately, I'd already spent my money for the con, so I had nothing to buy any of the books with. Lisa, in a moment of clarity, got me volume one of Digger instead of that promised t-shirt. Heaven! Now I need to get the next two volumes, but I am patient and willing to wait until the opportunity arises.
Incidentally, I did go back to the ECCC table on Sunday and talked with the same guy, and he gave me a t-shirt from a previous year to make up for the fact that he had none for this year. The reason they had none was because the artwork they wanted to use originally for it featured Hal Jordan Green Lantern, and apparently DC protested or asked for a fee. They said it meant they'd finally "arrived" on the convention scene, but it also meant that they needed to be even more careful in the future.
Speaking of DC, on Sunday morning, hubby-Eric and I walked by the DC Booth. No, I wasn't able to get any of the GL buttons (they were quickly gone on Saturday) but I did score a couple of Wonder Woman tiaras. One for Lisa and one for me. Later I picked up another one for Heidi. One of my penguins is now happily wearing the one I kept, waiting for me to watch the movie it promotes.
Right... moving back to Sunday afternoon, it's time to talk about Art Baltazar and Franco again! Today they were wearing matching purple shirts with vests (if you'll note their Troll pic, they were wearing white with vests on Saturday). Art took off from his table to find some grub right before we got there, but Franco said he'd be right back and to wait. So we stood around talking until Art returned and I asked him for an Aquaman sketch in my third Aquaman sketchbook. He agreed for the price of $1, and asked what I wanted. Hubby-Eric, seeing the cover of Tiny Titans #14, suggested a box of Aqua-Ohs. And OH what a great sketch Art turned in for me! SQUEE!!

Hearing that I am a big Aquaman fan, Art told me that I had to wait while he found a piece of artwork to show me. He was trying out with Goldfish Crackers for a job, and drew a piece that will never see publication but is WONDERFUL. I snapped a pic of it with my cameraphone, and Art said I could post the picture on my blog. The piece was for sale, but was out of my range.

After Artman, I visited Franco's table and Eric said he would pay for me to get a $1 sketch from him as well! Ah, this is the life! The result was a distinctive version of Aquaman that I'm proud to add to my collection.

Well, let's see if I can remember what else happened... I visited and Trolled quite a few more people. Steve Niles, Barry Kitson, Jaime Hernandez, I kept my eyes out for costumes and other things as well. Spider-Man, Mojo Jojo, and a bunch of balloons (those were some freakin' cool balloons, by the way). Hubby-Eric spotted a sign for "Free Sketches" and we visited the artist Manny Trembley, who sketched one for both of us (Scarecrow for Hubby, Aquaman for me).

After a lot of walking, we sat in the Hero Initiative Booth and I attracted people to the booth by saying "hello!" as Dan Brereton sat next to me sketching. I put Torvald out on the table to people-watch. I helped sell a few buttons and prints, and talked with a few people about the goals of organization. I listened to a very long and involved discussion about the merits of Wild Dog while hubby-Eric snoozed in the back of the booth. Brereton was very convincing.
Eventually, hubby and I realized we weren't going to do much more at the con, so we headed out to Evil Twin's place for an excellent dinner. All told, a fantastic convention. I got 92 Torvald pictures, and 4 sketches. Eric got a sketch. I met several folks I'm currently watching in Battlestar Galactica. I renewed a lot of old friendships and teased Kurt Busiek (yay, more Arrowsmith!). I "ran into" Mark Waid. I got to do some Booth-sitting.
What can I say? I'm already looking forward to next year's con.

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