Thursday, April 30, 2009


Best License Plate Ever.

Ten Most Fascinating Natural Phenomena.

Way cool birthday treats to take to school.

Fair Trade Diesal Sweeties, with a link to a BBC article about how it's making life easier for women in Bangladesh. I don't even like the red robot, and I kinda want to buy one just because of the article.

Good for the students of Keswick High, who marched out in protest when a victim of bullying fought back and was punished for it.

Fantastic Photomontage Timeline, scroll to your right once the page loads.

I'm sure you've all already read about that guy who can walk again after being bitten by a spider. But I'm working my way through old links, so you'll just have to skip it if you've already read about it. But did you know he was arrested?

20 Ridiculous Complaints Made By Holidaymakers. I think the "thick soup" one was my favorite. Note: the pictures are only there to spice up the complaints. Be sure to also click on the 20 Stupid Questions Asked by Tourists.

Speaking of tourism, Agatha Christie's home is now open to the public.