Saturday, January 16, 2010

Updating the Troll

I've been a little busy over at Torvald's page tonight trying to get it updated and ready for the influx of new images that will be added when I go to Emerald City ComiCon 2010, including (I really hope) perhaps Stan Lee and Leonard Nimoy!

In any case, I've got a lot of work to do to add all the missing images from various events that I just haven't had the energy to edit and post yet. I've only managed to add one page, and most readers of this blog will have seen the paltry few images on that page. Except maybe this one:

Laura and Eric

I've also been careful to make sure that the friends page is up-to-date with all the folks Torvald has met.

I was hoping to make some "I've been Trolled!" buttons, but I saw how much I'd have to pay for them and realized that it really isn't an option. Maybe someday. In the meantime, I'll have the little half-cards I gave out before.

In any case, there should be a few more images showing up over the next couple of weeks as I get this done. Including images from an incredible road trip Torvald took without me OR Eric. In the meantime, here's one more of the "new" pictures:

Maryhill Stonehenge


David Oakes said...

While not as cool as buttons, stickers or printed labels that say the same thing give them something to remember.