Thursday, September 01, 2011

Each Day I Go To Work...

...I imagine that the honeymoon will end. And each day the job just gets better. True, the workload has increased each week and I'm terrified I'm going to screw up, but I've gotten great support and I can look at the newspaper each day and see what I've been doing, there on the page (and on the website, though not as obviously (I rewrite a lots of press releases that don't have bylines)). I'm still a cub reporter, the lowest of the low, and I have a long way to go before I'm going to feel confident. But I feel more happy with my work than I have in many, many years.

Now, I'm wondering what I'll be saying about the job in another month or two...


Sharon said...

I'm rooting for ya!

Michael Jones said...

On top of all this, if you're still writing 750 words a day, I am in awe.

Tegan said...

I am writing 750 words a day. I'm at 522 days now.