Saturday, March 28, 2015

More Cosplay

Edit: Monday, March 30: It will take me several days to set up my new laptop and recover from Emerald City Comicon, so in that time I will be trying to post all my photos of the awesome cosplayers, even the sadly blurry photos, for you all to enjoy.

A note on blurry photos: this was my first year attempting to take photos with my iPad, and it doesn't focus like I expected. Sorry. The costumes were great, my photography... not so much.

If you are the cosplayer in the photo and want to leave more information, just add a comment on the post and tell me which photo is yours. I have comment moderation on, so I'll definitely see the comment. If you click on the photo, you should get the full-size picture.

Emerald City Comicon Cosplayer Photos: Part I.