Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Sunday Review

TV this week:

  • Doctor Who: "The Woman Who Lived" - I have mixed feelings about this episode. V rawblrq gur pbaprcg bs n jbzna fghpx va ure yvsr, yvivat jvgubhg gur novyvgl gb qvr. V yvxrq ubj gung jnf rkcyberq ivn gur wbheanyf (ubj znal gvzrf bire gur lrnef qvq fur genafpevor gurz gb znxr gurz fb havsbez?) naq gur bowrpgf (gur synfuonpx gb snxvat ure bja qrngu jnf nzhfvat, abg fb zhpu gur bar nobhg ure puvyqera'f qrnguf). Jung V qvqa'g yvxr jnf gur yvba-qhqr. Vg jnf fgnaqneq Qbpgbe Jub ivyynva abafrafr, ohg vg jnf nyfb cerggl obevat. Frevbhfyl, n sver-oernguvat yvba-qhqr jvgu tybjvat rlrf? Fcner zr. Gurer ner fbzr arng guvatf va urer, rfcrpvnyyl gur ebyr Nfuvyqe qrpvqrf gb gnxr ba (urycvat gubfr yrsg oruvaq ol gur Qbpgbe). V vzzrqvngryl gubhtug bs gur tvey jub jnf hfrq ol gur Qnyrxf va Erzrzoenapr bs gur Qnyrxf, jub qrsvavgryl arrqrq gurencl naq uryc nsgre gung fgbel raqrq. Zl gubhtug jnf gung Nfuvyqe jbhyq unir orra gurer gb gnxr pner bs gur tvey. Anyway, this one left me feeling a bit melancholy, and I'm not really sure I liked it.

  • Gotham: "Scarification" - A few plots in this episode... Jr'ir tbg gur evfr bs n sveroht, gur qrngu bs n pbc, gur abeznyvmngvba bs Altzn naq n punatr va Crathva'f "evtug unaq" zna. Gur rkcybqvat onq thl jnf bqqyl shaal (V sryg thvygl sbe ynhtuvat). Oevqtvg'f erfcbafr gb orvat oheag jnf ybtvpny, vs irel zhpu va yvar jvgu Tbgunz abezf. V nqberq gur vasbqhzc sebz Rqjvtr, pbzcyrgr jvgu synfuonpxf. Ybgf bs vagrerfgvat vasbezngvba gurer, vapyhqvat n yvax gung znxrf vg ybbx yvxr Gurb vf Nmenry, be ng yrnfg eryngrq gb uvz. Gur zbfg vagrerfgvat zbzrag, sbe zr, jnf ernyvmvat gung Crathva npghnyyl QVQ unir n cyna gb pbashfr Tnynina, naq gung uvf bire-gur-gbc cnenabvn jnf cneg bs vg. I don't adore this show, but it is holding my interest.

  • The Flash: "Family of Rogues" - Lisa Snart asks Cisco for a favor... naq gurve eryngvbafuvc whfg qrirybcf sebz gurer. Rfcrpvnyyl nsgre Pvfpb fnirf ure sebz n oenva-obzo vzcynagrq va ure ol ure sngure. Naq trgf n avpr xvff sbe uvf rssbegf. Pvfpb vf ernyyl bar bs gur pbbyrfg punenpgref ba gur fubj (ab bssrafr gb Pncgnva Pbyq) naq vg'f avpr gb frr uvf qrprapl erjneqrq. Va guvf bar, V nyfb rawblrq gur qrirybcvat eryngvbafuvc orgjrra Wnl naq Pnvgyva, Qe. Fgrva'f pbagvahrq punatrf, naq Yrbaneq Faneg'f jvyyvatarff gb xrrc Oneel'f frperg. Rirelguvat frrzf gb onynapr va vg. Nqq va gur fhocybg nobhg Senapvar Jrfg'f erghea naq gur pbagvahrq fhocybg bs bssvpre Fcvibg gelvat gb jbex jvgu Wbr, naq gurer vf n ybg tbvat ba va guvf rcvfbqr. I'm still enjoying this show, and watching close for more fun moments.

  • Arrow: "Restoration" - I'm finding Felicity to be the strength of this episode. Fur abg bayl vf ehaavat n znwbe pbecbengvba, fur'f nyfb jbexvat jvgu n fhcreureb grnz naq sbepvat gjb thlf gb fgneg gb gehfg bar nabgure ntnva. Fur'f gur qevivat sbepr oruvaq n ybg bs jung unccraf, naq ernyyl qbrf arrq n pbby pbqranzr. Gur G-fcurerf fubj hc, znxvat vg frrz rira zber yvxryl gung Phegvf vf Ze. Greevsvp (V zhfg'ir zvfurneq va gur ynfg rcvfbqr, V fjber ur fnvq uvf anzr jnf Zvpunry). Naq vg ybbxf yvxr Enl vf nyfb znxvat uvf pbagvahrq rkvfgrapr xabja. Gura gurer'f gur Ynhery naq Gurn fubj, bss ba na vyy-nqivfrq zvffvba juvpu unf anfgl erfhygf. Jura Oneebjzna fgnegrq gnyxvat nobhg n jvfr zna ba n uvyy, V gubhtug ur jnf xvqqvat. Tynq gb or evtug. Naq svanyyl, gur arj ivyynva jnf nyfb bs vagrerfg. Gnggbbf gung orpbzr erny. V'ir frra gung orsber fbzrjurer. Plenty to think about with this episode, but Felicity is definitely the boss.

Here are reviews of the DCBS comic books that I've gotten around to reading and reviewing, sorted by the original shipping date:
  • Sep 9th
  • Justice League United #13 - Well, I guess that last issue was it for Mera in the book. As for Vandal Savage, I wondered how the situation would play out after that flashback. Seems obvious now.
  • Earth 2 Society #4 - I'm not really sure how Kara can blame Val for working on something he didn't understand while he was a prisoner kept away from almost every other person on the planet. Nor do I get why Batman in this book is such a complete jerk. More than usual.
  • Arrow: Season 2.5 #12 - Final issue of this series... it was ok. Nothing super special. I don't mind the tv series, but the comic is even more superficial.
  • Star Trek/Green Lantern #3 - Huh. Still not really my thing, but that final panel managed to get a little chill out of me anyway. The rebooted Star Trek universe is just too strange for me, I think. I don't recognize the characters by sight.
  • Secret Wars 2099 #5 - I'm not even pretending to understand most of this. I just want the story to go back to what it was before. I'm not sure that's going to happen.
  • Doctor Who 12th #11 - A pretty good done-in-one story featuring Clara at her most compassionate, helping somebody who ends up helping the Doctor. Not bad.
  • Rebels #6 - Originally the final issue, Seth goes home to find his son grown up at six years old and doing fine without him. It's an interesting twist on the revolutionary war that I wouldn't have thought to examine. All told, a pretty good tale.
  • Spongebob Comics #48 - All about Gary the Snail. Some fun stuff, but nothing too exciting. I liked the sea snail fact page.