Saturday, May 10, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 7 May 2003 - Part I

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen II #5: eeeeuuuuuwwww!!!! GROSS! ARGH, YUCK!!!! oooohhhh, sick... oh please spare us.... yuckyuckyuckyuckyuck! No more! No, Moore! *shudder*. No child should be allowed within 20 feet of this book, and no adult without a strong stomach should even think about reading it. This is definitely a case of horrid fascination... I'm just reading to find out how it ends. I really need to go bleach my eyeballs now. 2 1/2 starfish

JSA: All Stars #1: I thought this was going to focus on individual JSA characters. I didn't really feel any need to read yet another JSA series. I hope this improves. 3 starfish

Green Arrow #25: Finally, the thing that's been hinted at from practically the first appearance of the supporting character has happened. It's about time! This whole crossover so far could have been cut down to half the size and not lost anything. 3 starfish

Still to review: Batman Nevermore #2, Justice League Adventures #19 and Way of the Rat #13.

If you were sent to my blog by Dan Slott on the Tonezone board to read my review of Batman Adventures #1 (Free Comic Book Day Edition), please click here. If you'd like to read my other reviews, a full index (which I try to update frequently with the latest reviews) is available here.