Friday, July 25, 2003

Hmmm, Pug Also Starts With 'P'

I was upstairs reading when I heard a scratching and tapping. "Ug," I thought, "Buster wants to come up and piddle on the bed again." So I got up and walked over to the gate at the top of the stair and looked over, expecting to see an anxious pug. There was nothing there. There was no way the pug could have run all the way down the stairs in the time it took me to walk over. I guess I owed Buster an apology. Then the sound started up again. It sounded like it was coming from the bathroom. So I walked into the bathroom and found the problem immediately. There was a pigeon on the skylight. While I watched, another hopped up onto the skylight and made a scratching noise as it slid over the light. The first one started pecking at something invisible on the skylight.

After a moment of stunned bemusement, I took a towel and waved it at the birds. They didn't notice. I thought about throwing soemthing at the light to make a noise, but thought better of it. Pigeons don't scare easily. So... more pests at the Pug House. I'll live with it...