Friday, August 01, 2003


I have updated and re-arranged my links on the sidebar quite a bit. I hope nobody minds. I'm trying to make them easier for me to use, since they are basically my list of must-visit daily links. My top six is now six again, as Elayne has been given her long-overdue re-promotion back up to the top. The order of those six doesn't matter much. They are the most excellent blogs I link to, and worth visiting daily (or more often).

The big changes are down below. I've added Sean Collins' All Too Flat and Brooke Biggs' Bitter Shack of Resentment to my personal blog links, as well as moving The Leaky Cauldron up because it's a fun one, too. Just in case I forgot to shout them out already, Glenn Given and Paul J. were added awhile ago. Another new link is to the bare bones Dave's Rants page, probably my favorite comic book reviewer on the 'net.

I moved all the political stuff way down, nearer to the terror alerts and below the Bookshop that nobody ever uses. I added Pete Welsch down there because he's more political than not, and since Arthur Silber put his blog on hiatus, I added Billmon's Whiskey Bar for that dose of cold reality. I added a link to Daryl Cagle's Cartoon Web Log which links to daily political cartoons and is worth visiting often. On a more somber note, my Remember page is based on the Vietnam Memorial and is updated thanks to the efforts of the Iraq II Coalition Deaths Website. No, I don't think Iraq is "another Vietnam". Yet. But I think it's very important to remember those who've died there. I would do a similar virtual memorial for the soldiers we have lost and are still losing in Afghanistan if I knew how to look up their names.

I've also added a link to Blogshares, but I'm apparently not valuable enough to be listed yet. Indeed, I wonder if it will ever happen, or if I'm supposed to do something to trigger it. Whatever, it's funny. Elayne also directed my attention to Blogtree, which charts the pedigree of blogs. Since my blog is a direct child of Elayne's blog, I added myself into the tree.

Whew. So that's the house-keeping. What do you think?

UPDATE: One last bit. At Hubby-Eric's request, I added a little piece of Javascript that, if you check it, it opens the links on this page in a new window instead of in the window you are working on. This little piece of Javascript doesn't seem to work on my version of Mozilla, but it did work on Exploder and Netscrape, so I'll leave it in for you. Let me know if it works for you, and if you like it. I got it at The JavaScript Source.