Thursday, October 02, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 1 October 2003 - Part II

Superman: Birthright #4: The artwork still doesn't do it for me. Yeah, I can follow the story ok, but the art just isn't anything I enjoy. And, to be honest, the story isn't doing much for me in this issue, either. 3 starfish

Formerly Known As The Justice League #4: Teleportational vomit. Right. This is just what I expect from this book. Yeah, silly and light. With vomit jokes. 3 1/2 starfish

Warning: After the recent problems with CrossGen, you may want to take any of my reviews of CrossGen books with a grain of salt, as I may be filtering my perceptions through mud-colored glasses. This negative perception will last at least until Robin Riggs is paid for the work he did for CrossGen, and possibly until Robin also gets that personalized apology from Alessi for Alessi's slander against Robin.

Ruse #23: Finally, some actual detecting! Ok, it's Emma doing all the work, and Simon getting all the glory, but at least there's something happening that doesn't involve people going invisible or using sigil powers or something. 3 1/2 starfish

Way of the Rat #17: The action kicks up a bit more as we learn that one of the "ghosts" is more than that, it's a ghost-eater. The balance of threat and action is excellent in this issue, which is definitely the best in a few months. Jeff Johnson's art is improving each issue, and some of the work in this issue is just really good. 4 starfish

Still to review: Supreme Power, Astro City, Powers, and Usagi Yojimbo.