Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Best Comic Book of 2003 according to Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog

This was very nearly a tie. I wanted to give the award to the following book and also to PS238 as a series. But I eventually decided that PS238 would get a collective "Rookie of the Year" instead.

And so (drumroll please), the Best Comic Book of 2003 according to Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog is:

Amazing Spider Man #55/496: "Unintended Consequences"

This is an issue which shows the lead character in the best kind of light, as both a person with a career and a superhero with hard choices. Peter's relationship with Melissa, complete with "nerd" jokes, works well. We get to see more of the teachers in Peter's school, some of whom were authority figures for Peter before he became a teacher at the school. There's also the moment when Peter first realizes that his actions as Spider-Man have an effect on people. Including some of his students. Including Melissa. And we get to see a little bit of MJ, and we get to see Spidey in action playing "thump" with the bad guys. I think, honestly, that "thump" put it over the top. Re-reading this issue, I think this one would be a hard one for a new reader, but then it has so much in it that a reader like myself would have become intrigued and it would have caught me... uh... in its web.

Yeah, I know, I know. It's a Marvel book, and I'm a DC addict. But this one was just the best this year. Maybe next year I'll pick something more normal for me (like an Aquaman book).