Here is a classic example of someone so full of himself that he insults a person willing to simply disagree with him. He makes a point of belittling my opinions, and calling himself "correct". He puts forward a piece of artwork that is completely inappropriate for the genre he claims it is "best" at, then makes the snobby pronouncement that it is "fine tribute to the superhero era" which he supports by saying "superheroes are dead". I can only assume that his head is so far up his ass that he doesn't realize that there are still superhero fans around, ones who enjoy GOOD superhero artwork instead of boring tributes. I put up two covers that were tons better at being superhero covers than the one he put up.
Still, people like him are all around. Snobs who refuse to accept that other people have different opinions than them, and insult anyone who disagrees with them. I thought Mr Doane was a person worth reading, but if he chooses to insult me because my opinion is different than his, then, well DUH! I'm going to ignore him from here on out. No point in reading someone who thinks I'm an idiot just because I happen to read and like superhero comics as well as other comic books.
Update: Now Mr. Doane has posted something about me being unable to "take the heat". No, I just don't feel like reading the words of an arrogant snob who can't make a point without insulting people who disagree with him. See, I was willing to let it go and agree to disagree. You're the one who decided to belittle me for no reason. You could have made all your points just fine without resorting to snarkiness. I never thought I'd say this, but despite the fact that I disagree with 90% of Dirk Deppey's opinions on comic books, at least he has CLASS. You, Doane, don't. And that is why I'm not bothering to read your blog anymore. It's not because I can't stand the heat, it's because I can't stand you.
Now, run along and find some other blogger to piss off. I can't be bothered with your garbage anymore.
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