Thursday, January 01, 2004

New Year Firsts

First food of the new year: cheese, crackers, and sparkling apple cider. My traditional New Year's feast, eaten right after midnight. This year the crackers were Ritz (original), the cheese was Tillamook Smoked Cheddar, and the cider was the standard Martinelli's (no alcohol, neither hubby nor I drink).

First Book finished in the new year: Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. My library hold notice arrived in my e-mail yesterday afternoon, and hubby and I raced down to the library just before closing to get it. Yes, I've finished it already, and I think I'm going to read it again. Rapid review to come later... but it's as good as everyone has been saying. Hmm, should I say it took me two years to finish, since I started last night and finished at about 1 am this morning?

First belly-laugh of the new year: hubby-Eric answering a question in French, then stating very matter-of-factly that one of his New Year's resolutions is to speak more French. While I burst out laughing he explained "I'm going to break them anyway, I might as well go for silly ones." This from the man who met both his resolutions last year.

First geeky conversation of the new year: Someone should write a book on the origins of Fandom... a new field of study called "Fanthropology" should be developed to determine why people become fans of things. What are the origins of Fandom? How long ago did people start forming fan clubs and indentifying themselves as "fans" of a particular thing? The discussion started when I followed Mark Evanier's link to Bill Schelly's Website (and I urge you to buy the Otto Binder book, too, I'm currently reading it).

First great e-mail of the new year: Robin Riggs sent me a scan of the Aquaman sketch that Alan Freakin' Davis drew for me (and that Robin inked). Whoa. Wow.

First on-line annoyance of the new year: Blogger is acting up, and I can't get to half the blogspot sites half the time... including my own. New year, same old problems.