It's that time again... time for "Things in Previews That Look Interesting But I Can't Afford To Get (with a list of things I am getting just for contrast)". As usual, I'm going to start with the bulk of the book, and then come back and cover the "big four" at the end. Please remember, I'm listing what looks interesting. My actual purchase list is going to be smaller. The numbers after each title are usually the page number in Previews Magazine, so you can follow along at home.
Let's start with the covers. Front cover features Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. If the first two prequels had lived up to expectations, then I might be eager enough to see this one to want to order the comics. As it is, I think I'll pass. Back cover features Superman and Captain Marvel. I'd be tempted to get Superman books just to see more of Captain Marvel, but I'll probably pass on those, too.Moving on, let's hit the Splash Page (8-9). It looks like something is happening in the Spider-Man books. I hope it isn't a crossover, because I'm more likely to drop the one Spidey book I buy than try to pick up every part of an annoying storyline. I'm likely to get Invincible #0 since the price is only 50 cents. Image has been putting out some good books lately. That's it of interest on the Splash Page for me.
Free Comic Book Day is covered on pages 12-15. Once again, let me remind people that the free comics are NOT free for the retailer. If you, as a regular comic book reader, want to support your retailer's efforts to expand business through free comics, then throw in some dough in support of your retailer. Talk with your local shop owner to find out how much of a contribution will help. I intend to pay for my "free" books, some of which cost retailers up to 75 cents each (which is an awful lot for a free book, don't you think?).
Ahem. Now that I've got my ranting out of the way, let's look at the books offered. Archie Comics is focusing on the women of Archie's world. Beckett Comics is pulling the same stunt they pulled last year with The Ballad of Sleeping Beauty, which you may have noted I'm still buying. This year the new title they are launching with FCBD is Ronin Hood of 47 Samurai. Hmm. Samurai. Bongo Comics has what looks like a fun little sampler. Dark Horse Comics gives a peek at Star Wars. DC retreads familiar ground with *yawn* The Batman Strikes. Devil's Due gives us GI Joe. Gemstone reprints a true classic Uncle Scrooge story, which I hope to see lots of people get on FCBD. Image Comics shows off their Flight anthology, which seems like a good use of the FCBD comic. I'm not sure who Impact Books are, but the sampler of lessons they are offering looks pretty cool. Marvel Comics pulls the same old same old with Marvel Adventures. I wish they'd do a FCBD Mini-Marvels book.
Moving on to the Silver Sponsors... This year we get Adhouse, Alternative, Arcana, Caption Box, Comics Festival, Drawn & Quarterly, Fantagraphics, G.T.Labs, Heroic Publishing, Jetpack Press, Keenspot, Oni, Renaissance, Serve Man, Sky Dog, Top Shelf, and Wizard. I love samplers, and it looks like several publishers are doing those. Wizard is doing a top 100 list. Amelia Rules, Johnny Raygun, Buzzboy, and Owly all appear to be getting some solo-ish action in various books. I'm looking forward to most of these.
Jumping forward over the Premier comics section, I hit Wizard's books (188-196). The upcoming Wizard has more on DC Countdown, while ToyFare has a striking image of a whole bunch of Batman action figures. Yet another edition of Twisted Toyfare Theatre is solicited... Volume 5. I don't think we got volume 4.Moving on. Comics & Graphic Novels Featured Items pages (198-201) show off The Tourist from AiT/Planet Lar and Beowulf from Speakeasy Comics. Those are the only two that spring out at me.
And into the main section of comic books I dive. I'm a little late on this, so I'm going to rush a tiny bit. Still, I don't see anything of interest until page 217, which contains two ads for AiT/Planet Lar books. Both of which sound intriguing, but only one of which I'm likely to get. More on that in a moment.Airship Entertainment (218) is actually next. I probably don't even have to say I'm getting Girl Genius #14, but I will anyway. I ran into Phil and Kaja at the Emerald City Comicon. And both the experiments, as well. On her blog, Kaja reports that Phil is getting GG14 finished. The sooner it comes out, the happier I will be.
Now we get to AiT/Planet Lar (218-219). I am certainly thinking about getting The Tourist, as it sounds like a moody bit of adventure. I don't think I could read Surviving Grady, as neat as the concept is. Maybe if the M's win the next world series I can go back and read about the Sox.
There seems to be a new publisher in this issue, Alias (219-234). They've snagged a few pages to promote themselves, and some of it looks promising. Their ad on page 221 says they are publishing Comic Book Digest, which was decent. They are also releasing four books at a 75 cent introductory price. Hmmm. At that price, I might be willing to give one or two of them a shot. Only problem is, none of the 75 cent books actually appeal to me. What does appeal to me is Pakkins' Land, which is listed at $2.99 in full color. The ad says it appeals "to all who enjoy the works of C.S. Lewis, L. Frank Baum and J.R.R. Tolkien."
Next up for me is Bongo Comics (260-262) which is issuing another issue of Simpsons Classics.Caption Box (266) has a book called Lone and Level Sands, which would appear to be about Ozymandias. I wonder how historical this book is. Definitely enough to get me to look twice.
Comics Conspiracy (270) looks at current events with a book called American Inquisition.
Dynamite Entertainment (275) gives us a 25 cent Red Sonja book. That's almost worth checking out. I'm enjoying Dark Horse's Conan, should I try this one out?Dork Storm Press (288) will get my money with another issue of Nodwick. I particularly like the cover of this one, an illustration of a Clue-By-Four.
Fantagraphics (298-299) is soliciting the next volume of The Complete Peanuts. They still have really ugly covers, but this one features Pigpen, so I guess it's appropriate.
Barbarossa and the Lost Corsairs from Kandora Publishing (316) has taken a turn for the fantastic, and now I'm seriously thinking about back-ordering the first issue to read this series from the start. It's looking like it might be a lot of fun. They have another series starting this month, Jade Fire which also looks good. See the ad on page 317 for more. Hmmm. Tough decision time coming up with these...
Layne Morgan Media (319) solicits the third issue of Chickasaw Adventures, which I'm still ordering. I'm really hoping these live up to my expectations.
Mahrwood Press (319&322) has a book called Junior Pirates - Beginnings which is "Published in a widescreen format." Exactly what does that mean? Other than that oddity, looks like a decent little book. Apparently it's written by Chuck Dixon.Reney Editions Inc (328) has a book called The Blue Tunics which has been translated into English. What's odd about that is that the story is about two Yankee soldiers during the American Civil War. I'm curious to know what this book was translated from... French?
I'm sailing through these listings! Next up is Speakeasy Comics (332-336). I ordered The Grimoire, so I'll be ordering issue #2. This is the most annoying thing about modern comics. I'm ordering these sight unseen. I don't know if I'll like it or not, and there just aren't many ways to be sure. I have high hopes for this series, but I may detest it. Who knows? Anyway... Another comic debuting this month from Speakeasy is Beowulf about an outbreak of superpowers. I'm tempted by this one, but I really need to see more of the interior art before I make a decision.Viper Comics (363) has the second issue of Oddly Normal which I ordered. Yup, in for a penny, in for a pound. I'll be getting this one.
Whew. Through the main listings. And mostly unscathed. I think.
Zipping through the Magazines and Books, nothing of particular interest to me, although I did spot an Oz-related book that hubby-Eric wasn't aware of. No Aquaman logo t-shirts yet (hope springs eternal). Nothing in games or DVDs that grabs me either. So, back to the front of the book to cover the premier comics. DC last, but the others in whatever order I feel like.Dark Horse starts out with a lot of Star Wars stuff this month for some strange reason. Yeah, that was sarcasm. Never mind. Of interest to me is Go Girl! Volume 2 (34), Conan #15 (35), and Conan and the Jewels of Gwahlur #1 (36-37). I'd be interested in getting The Amazing Adventures of The Escapist (40-41) if I expected it to come out before it's collected. I was burned once on that book, I'm not inclined to buy it again. I'll get Samurai: Heaven & Earth #5 (42).
Next up, Image Comics. They've changed the design of their solicits, and it will take a little getting used to. I think it's likely that we'll order Invincible #0 (137), especially at that price. I'll also get Battle Hymn #5 (147), Lions, Tigers and Bears #4 (155), Lullaby: Wisdom Seeker #3 (155), and Noble Causes #10 (157).
On to Marvel Comics (180), who continue to fail to impress me by forcing me to take home an extra catalog if I want their full listings. So, working only from the shipping list: Shanna, The She-Devil #3, Amazing Spider-Man #78/519, and Powers #10. I'm sure I'll end up reading more, but I most likely won't have bought them for myself.And finally, into DC Comics.
Batman (61-67): Nothing I want to get, and nothing that jumps out as worthy to be mentioned.
Superman (68-74): I'll admit that I'm tempted by the Superman/Captain Marvel story-arc. I don't know if I'm tempted enough to actually get it, though. I like the Alex Ross cover to the Flash/Superman book, too, but I'm not interested in getting it.
DC Universe (75-94): Aquaman #29 continues on, with guest-stars JLA. I'm feeling a smudge of real excitement about this one. Bloodhound #10 is the final issue of that gory but good series. I'll also be getting Birds of Prey #81. I'm not so sure about Day of Vengeance #1. With Hal Jordan returning as GL, what is The Spectre in this book? That's enough to get me curious, is it enough to get me to buy the book?Speaking of GL, Green Lantern Secret Files 2005 will make the pull list, along with Green Arrow #49, JLA #113, JLA Classiried #6, JSA #72, and Outsiders #23. I'm thinking Legion of Super-Heroes #5 will also make the pull, but I'm not certain of that one. Another one I'm not certain about is The OMAC Project #1. Another DC Countdown one, with less of a pull than the other.
Solo #4 features Howard Chaykin. Looks like fun. And Seven Soldiers continues with Seven Soldiers: Klarion The Witch Boy #1 and Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #1. I'm inclined to get both of them because they both feature characters I'm interested in. We'll have to see. And lastly, Teen Titans #23 has Tempest, so I'll get it.Johnny DC (95-96): Justice League Unlimited #8 and The Batman Strikes #8. I like the cover to JLU this month.
DC Library (97-103): nothing.
Wildstorm (104-114): nothing.
Vertigo (115-126): nothing.
DC Direct (127-132): nothing.
So that's it for this month's "Things in Previews That Look Interesting But I Can't Afford To Get (with a list of things I am getting just for contrast)". Comments? Questions? Did I miss any really cool books that you know about and would like to point out? Do you disagree with something I wrote, and want to correct me? There's the comments, right below. Post something. And, yes, I accept review copies. I'm willing to give almost anything a try.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Flipping Through Previews...
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