Friday, April 22, 2005

Rapid Review - More Manga

Planetes (Vol 3) by Makoto Yukimura. This volume was a bit of a letdown after the first two. It mostly deals with Hachi's inner journey, although there's a bit about Tanabe's past as well. Yuri and Fee are hardly in this one at all. It's not bad, but the pace is much slower. 2 1/2 starfish

NausicaƤ of the Valley of Wind (Perfect Collection 4) by Hayao Miyazaki. Ah, this is definitely the final volume. And so, looking back at the series overall, I think the pacing was a little slow. But then, Miyazaki does seem fond of slow and majestic. And this is a pretty big story he's telling. I figured out what was happening in one of the earlier books, and it was all confirmed in this one. That made this one a little less exciting than it could have been. It was still a very good book, but just not as thrilling as I'd hoped. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie. 3 starfish

Paradise Kiss (Vol 3) by Ai Yazawa. Oh. My. Hrm. Ok, this one is officially off my "ok for kids" list. I'd be talking with any teen o' mine that read it, too. I'm still amused by the way it breaks the fourth wall, including the way one character chides another for ... um... the events. On the other hand, some of the other events were very... um... right. I'm not even going to try anymore. Let's just say that I've got really mixed feelings about this one. 2 1/2 starfish