Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Sunday Review

Here are reviews of the DCBS comic books that I've gotten around to reading and reviewing, sorted by the original shipping date:
  • Mar 26th
  • Aquaman #29 - So ancient enemies with an ancient ally are summoned back to earth because an over-eager archaeologist stole Aquaman's trident. Eh, it's fun.
  • World's Finest #21 - It makes absolutely no sense. I hope we get back to the regular book soon. I hate this kind of crossover.
  • DC vs Masters of the Universe #6 - Um. Ok. I guess that's that, then.
  • Fables #139 - Back to a nifty quest. I like this, even if there's a sense of dread being built up around it.
  • Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #3 - I'm afraid I'm having a little bit of trouble keeping track of who is who. Other than that, I'm enjoying the story. It just needs annotations for folks with no memory, like me.
  • Legends of Red Sonja #5 - Cutting them down one by one, until nothing remains but a small troop. And then, that's the end. This had some really funny bits, and some pretty nasty bits as well. I think it's over now, and overall, I think I enjoyed it.