Thursday, October 31, 2002


Just got back from my in-laws house where my hubby and I set up shop to give out Halloween candy and comic books. We gave out *TONS* of comics. There were far more children at their house than we've ever gotten at our house.

While waiting for trick-or-treaters, I read Lone Wolf and Cub...

Lone Wolf and Cub vol 26: Almost to the end. This collection continues the set-up for the real final showdown (as opposed to the fake final showdown a couple of collections ago). Not a lot of Daigoro in this one, and he's my favorite character. In fact, there's far too much of Kaii, who is by far my least favorite character to show up in the entire series so far. 3 starfish.

Well, tomorrow I guess I have to take down the Halloween decorations at work... And so to bed.