Thursday, October 31, 2002

Random Stuff

First off, my boss stole my LEGO Shop-at-home catalog. Seems she ordered some new LEGO for the shop I work at, and got to talking with someone over at LEGO about the stuff in the catalog I had brought in. To her surprise, she got shifted up to talk with somebody with more authority, who told her that LEGO is considering letting small shops, like ours, carry some of the Shop-at-home exclusives. It may not happen, but my enthusiasm for the sets made my boss tell LEGO that it would definitely be a good thing.

Also, to my amazement, LEGO has changed its policy towards small shops. They've promised better customer service, and now they allow backorders. WOW. That's a huge change from just a few months ago, last time we ordered from them. And, considering how well LEGO has done in the shop, this can only be a good thing for everyone involved.

I've just gotten word that there will be another Aquaman Secret Files, probably in February. With all the Aquaman stuff coming out lately, I'm in heaven. My checkbook, however, is crying out for mercy.

Getting ready for tonight, I need to pull out the comic books to give out for Halloween. If we get any trick-or-treaters this year, they will get a full-sized candy bar (no "fun" size for us!) and a comic book. Rot their teeth and their minds!

It's cold in Seattle. Any time it gets below freezing, people in this area start to cry for mercy. We just aren't used to extremes of temperature. To make matters worse, the main heater at work seems to be broken. Ouch.

It's been pretty well established that the DC Sniper came from Washington State, and was a local here for some time. Heck, there is evidence he was involved in at least three shootings up here, one of which was a murder. It makes me wonder why he went on a rampage on the other side of the country. Why didn't he set up shop here? Not that I'm complaining, mind you, I just don't understand. Perhaps I don't want to.

That's enough thinking for today... must get going.