Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Random Thoughts

Oh boy! It's new comics day! Today's list has eleven items on it, including Previews Mag. It'll take awhile to read them all, so don't expect any Rapid Reviews until I've got a couple under my belt.

There's an interview with Marvel Comic's Joe Q on 60 Minutes II tonight, I hope I catch it. While I don't think the current bosses at Marvel are very reader-friendly, any publicity for comic books helps the whole industry.

In other comic book news, Todd McFarlane is still fighting for his right to cheat Neil Gaiman. The whole story is here on Pulse News. For anyone coming in late... it's a really long story. The short summary is that Todd broke two contracts he'd made with Neil, and when he refused to make it right it ended up in court where Todd lost *big-time*.

In regular news... good-bye Sweet Lou. You made Seattle Baseball fun while you were here. Good luck in Tampa Bay.

Headline on the Seattle Times this morning is about the Tacoma gun shop that can't account for over 300 guns in its inventory... including the rifle used by the DC snipers. To me, that says that either the shop owner is incredibly incompetent or something illegal is going on there. Unfortunately, I'm more inclined to believe "illegal" at this point. Time will tell.