Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Attack of the Squid

Finally finished my Squiddy ballot and sent it off. I believe I miswrote the voting period in the last blog that I mentioned the Squiddies in, the voting ends on February 2nd, so hurry up and get your ballots in. This is the first year (that I've voted) I didn't vote for my own website for focused website. I think Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics deserves it more than an Aquaman fan site. I also voted for the GCD as the best general comic's website, since I know firsthand what kind of effort has gone into building that database.

Time for a follow-up on the story of Peggy the crossing guard. She's now beginning the "second-guess" stage of the events. First off, the guy didn't have a gun, it was some sort of tool (like a hammer or screwdriver) that he pulled out and pointed at police. They weren't fooled, and they piled on him, and in the end nobody was seriously hurt. Although Peggy never actually saw the note the man dropped, she presumes it was a suicide note, and that the man was attempting to commit suicide by cop. Which is why he told her to tell the cops that he was going to "kill them all." But Peggy never did get a chance to mention to the 911 dispatcher that the guy claimed he was armed because she was so busy describing the events as they happened. And she says that she was convinced he didn't have a weapon after he pulled the note out of his jacket.

Peggy learned, much later, after she got home that night, that one of the cars that passed while the carjacker was getting into the car he stole was driven by her own daughter. In other words, had the carjacker been standing in the other lane, there was a very good chance he would have stopped Peggy's daughter, and Peggy can't imagine what she would have done then, knowing that the man was threatening her kid. She said she thinks she would have taken her crossing guard flag and attacked the guy, but she doesn't know for sure. Other second-guessing has been regarding the people that were nearby at the time. The children she had just helped cross the street weren't that far away. Would the man have approached her if she was surrounded by children? And a guy that walks his dog every day in the area had also just left. If he had been there, would the agitated man looked for another person to give his note to? It's difficult to say, but it's also only human nature to wonder.

Comic came today, and I'll try to review some of them tonight. So far I haven't actually read any. I was going through Previews. I usually find that enjoyable. Books up for review are Usagi Yojimbo, JLA, Truth, Avengers (our last issue), and Ruse. I'll also try to review Smallville tonight.