Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Morning Thoughts

Hmmm. I thought maybe I'd start off this morning by commenting on the State of the Union address. But then I thought, well, anyone who agreed with the President before probably supported it, and anyone who thinks the President is warmongering without good reason didn't, so what's the point? My own opinion wasn't changed by Bush's attempts to be a great statesman. On the contrary, he looked and sounded out of his league to me.

So maybe there's something in the world of comic books I want to talk about? Well, the whole CBDLF vs Kraft thing is settled, but there's not much more to say on the topic. I'm with Elayne on this one, that it wasn't a case of free speech as much as it was a case of theft, and Kraft was in the right on this one.

So, maybe comic strips? Franklin's Findings led me to a reader poll of comics on the comics page of the Star Telegram, and I was shocked and disappointed to see that one of my favorite comic strips, Frazz, was their lowest rated strip. Wow. I thought Seattle had a lot of old fogeys. Texas must be much worse. They also rated Get Fuzzy very low, which is understandable as it's a hard strip to get into, but very fun once you start reading it. Worse, though, is their highly rated strips. Dennis the Menace and BC are bad enough, but Garfield ran out of jokes about three years ago and has rarely been funny since. Oh well, if you ever find a formula that pleases 100% of the population even 75% of the time, you'd be rich.

So, no. Not much to talk about today. You?