Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Evening Thoughts

Got the new comics, just haven't had time to read them yet. Everything came! And the Aquaman Archive is far better than I was expecting, too. I've wasted enough time this evening comparing the originals to the archive, though, so I'll just leave it at that for the moment.

Trying to vote in the Squiddies, and I'm having trouble deciding who to vote for. Problem for me is, Aquaman wasn't published enough in 2002 to really fit any of the categories, so I have to figure out other books I enjoyed. Even with my list of every book hubby-Eric and I got in 2002, it's still hard to remember which ones I loved the most. By the way, voting for the Squiddies is open until February 10th to anyone smart enough to find the ballot without asking for help. I recommend rec.arts.comics.misc... and if you don't know what I mean by that, just wait for the results to come out in a couple of months.

I've been blogrolled at Pop Culture Gadabout. Seeing my name, even if it is spelled wrong (pesky Norwegian spelling!), between Evan Dorkin and Alan David Doane is a bit of an honor for me. In any case, I'll return the link, which means I'll be reading Bill Sherman's blog every day instead of just whenever I get to it. I'll just point out that having me read your blog shouldn't be taken as a point of honor.

You don't like e-mail spam and delete it? So do I, but this one is actually funny. Thanks to Mark Evanier for the link.

Marvel is going to publish Namor again. Better yet, his first issue will be only 25 cents. This is not your father's Namor, though, he looks completely different. I'm not interested. For some reason, Namor has never been nearly as interesting to me as Aquaman. Comics Continuum has posted April 2003 solicits for Marvel, but we won't get anything new.

Comic Book Resources has now posted Image Comics Solicitations for April 2003, and there's nearly nothing there of interest to hubby and I. I wish Age of Bronze came out more often. I guess Powers is it, unless I get too tempted by Soul of a Samurai. Anyone know who Will Dixon is? Would I like his work? I'm feeling Lone Wolf and Cub withdrawal, and a 4 issue bi-monthly wouldn't be a bad way to fill the gap.

My song of the day is "Synchronicity I" by The Police. I prefer "II", but "I" works well for me today.