Monday, January 27, 2003

No Health

This is my official curse to anyone involved in writing the WSHIP questionnaire: May you suffer a thousand times over the same agonies I've suffered today in having to deal with the fruits of your labors.

I've been denied insurance coverage. No big deal, I thought, I'll contact the company and figure out what I did wrong and fix it right up. I'll have coverage in no time. Ha.

While I did make a mistake, fixing it wasn't enough to get me into coverage. Worse, since I've been denied by one company, no other insurance company, including the temporary ones, will take me, thanks to Washington State's tortured insurance laws. My only option is the overpriced and under benefitted WSHIP coverage, which, frankly, we can't afford. See, some idiots tried to make it possible for everyone in Washington to get affordable health care by forcing insurance companies to accept anyone who passed their questionaire. If you pass the questionaire, you are in. Period. So the insurance companies, in retailiation, said that if you don't pass the questionaire they won't cover you. Period. No exceptions. They won't even consider you on a case by case basis.

Have a problem with that? Too bad, sucker. Your fault for not getting a job that has health coverage.

And so I face a dilemma. Go ahead and apply for WSHIP and cough up $300+ a month for a health plan that isn't even close to what I wanted, or go without for a few months until I can reapply at the other place (and have a nice long waiting period, since I didn't have insurance in the meantime)?

And in the meantime: a curse on anyone involved in that stupid questionaire.