Sunday, January 26, 2003

Superbowl Thoughts

It was actually a somewhat interesting game, even though I don't like either team that played. At least the team that I dislike more lost. In any case, I wasn't really that interested in the game. I wanted to see lots of new, original, and interesting TV commercials. Unfortunately, there weren't any. Oh, there were new ones. And maybe one or two were original. But none of them actually met all three criteria. In fact, there were very very few that were truly interesting.

The best ad of the game would have to go to the Pepsi Twist commercial with Ozzy Osbourne. I don't watch the Osbourne TV show, but having the Osmonds show up was pure genius. The next best is a tie between the Zebra official (first ad of the game) and the Gilligan's Island spoof. Beyond that, there aren't really any worth mentioning.