Friday, February 28, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 26 Feb 2003 - Part III

Batman: Gotham Adventures #59: I find it hard to believe that the animated Bruce Wayne would miss something so important happening right under his nose. But, getting over that mental hurdle made the rest of the this book pretty good. 3 1/2 starfish

Usagi Yojimbo #64: Whoa. This is the first time I've actually been disappointed in this book! I could see where the plot was going right away, and even figured out who the villain was well before it was revealed. Fortunately, there was a nice set-up for future conflict, and the interaction between the characters was handled as beautifully as usual. Not to mention the consistently great artwork. 3 starfish

Amazing Spider-Man #50: This is the one. The whole future of the book rests on this issue... sort of. If there had been any real hype, this issue would have lived up to it. Great dialogue, enough action to please people who don't like the soap opera style, and an actual resolution at the end. 4 starfish

Ruse #17: Finally an end to the cliffhanger! And even a mostly satisfying one. And the story moves along on a couple of plotlines, nicely paced. There is even a nice surprise at the end. Much better. More like what I'm reading this book for, although not quite perfect yet. 4 starfish

Previews: Freakin' DC having all these events and Elseworlds that we want to get. GIVE US A BREAK!! Sheesh. Next month better be light.

Next week: Powers, Green Lantern, Justice League Adventures, Spectre, Young Justice, Way of the Rat.